IKONIK Eye Specialist and General Health Centre business logo picture

IKONIK Eye Specialist and General Health Centre

Reviewer profile
Terima kasih Prof Muhaya dan semua staff yang berkenaan.walaupun pertama Kali berurusan dengan Prof tapi telah membuat hati saya tertinggal disitu.Prof orang yang baik dan sangat menyenangkan.Service mereka memang yang terbaik.sekali lagi saya ingin mengucapkan ribuan terima kasih pada Prof Muhaya.
Reviewer profile

I had a really bad eye sight. Which reached my power to almost 800. Went for the laser treatment 3 years ago which is a little expensive RM2k back then (on 2013, Im not so sure how much it is now). At first it was quite pain but then everything is okay and I could see clearly now. The staff was friendly too. It is really worth every penny even though it is expensive as long as i could get my stable eye-sight back.
