Printemps Wedding Photo business logo picture

Printemps Wedding Photo

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A bridal house provide makeup, hairstyling, photography and more services. Area of service around Johor.

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Hi Jena. Yes Printemps Wedding is quite expensive but I'm sure the quality of service they provide is excellent. I went to their studio last month and i really like what i have seen, however, I need to think things through because our budget is not that flexible. Although i would love to have Printemps Wedding to cater my wedding gown needs.
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Visited their studio yesterday and I was not disappointed. They have great collection of wedding gowns beautiful wedding gowns for that matter. The sample album is full of creative photos from their previous clients all with excellent quality. Enya Mareine's makeup artists too are known for its skilled hands in making the bride beautiful and dazzling on her wedding day. However, all this almost perfect services come with a great price. Enya Mareine is pretty expensive i tell you but if you have a good negotiating skills then perhaps you can get some discounts.