Nirvana Memorial Park, Sibu (Site) business logo picture

Nirvana Memorial Park, Sibu (Site)

Claim business

Launched in July 2003, Nirvana Memorial Park, Sibu is situated at 23 miles, Jln Oya on a piece of choice land some 50 acres in area. It is a strategic location, only a 30 minutes drive from Sibu town. It is endowed with good geomancy, commanding a good view of its landscape. Nirvana Memorial Park, Sibu has all the attributes which make Nirvana Memorial Park, Semenyih renown all over the region. The Entrance Arch is one of unique design . The Park is served by quaint Temple and exquisite landscaping which includes fountains, bridge and arbors.

Service /Price Details

Open everyday 8am- 5pm

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Great facilities, excellent service and helpful staff! Keep up the great work!
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  • Experienced
  • Reliable
  • Value of Money
  • Availability
they can handle everything and help you to settle it well. they are also very professional.