Klinik Kesihatan Putrajaya Presint 9 business logo picture

Klinik Kesihatan Putrajaya Presint 9

Reviewer profile
All the instrument is first class n the number que is very good. I got nothing to comment on the service. 100% satisfied.
Reviewer profile
Staf kene ada training user experience(UX). Kene tanya "kene pegi mana ambil darah?" Then penjelasan tak clear. Nurse sini expect sy tahu semua step dgn map ke ape? Kalau patients buat salah step diorg marah plak. Start > finish take 3 jam. Patients tak ramai. Staf klinik ni ramai tapi still tak efisyen. Overall environment dah ok. Masalah part User Experience. Kena ada satu column utk STATUS dah satle ke blom. Tak clear dari segi explanation tempat. Kad aliran patients kene improve dari segi design.