Klinik Kanak -Kanak Tan

  • Career :Klinik Pakar Kanak-Kanak

  • Nombor Telefon : +603-62802676

  • Klinik Kanak -Kanak Tan Ground Floor, Blok A, Plaza Sinar, Jalan 8/38a, Taman Sri Sinar,, Kuala Lumpur, 51200, Kuala Lumpur


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aku selalu bwk anak2 aku gi klinik nih. dr anak first aku smpla yg second nih. dh dkt 5 thn dok ulang alik sini tiap kali anak2 aku selsema. mmg xde klinik lain kami pegi. mahal tuh mmg agak mahalla, tp terpaksa la utk kesihatan dorg. yg best nyer Doctor Tan nih is die ks sedut kahak, selsema kuar. tak semua klinik bt gitu. pastuh dlm 4 5 jenis ubat die ks. pastuh plak die akan advice utk kiter bt follow up lg the next day. kalau keadaan bdk tuh tak bp ok lg, kenela berulang smp doctor dh puas ati, kt ok. dlu mmg ramai org dtg sini, tp lately aku rs cm dh kurang skit, so waktu menunggu tuh mmg kejap jer la.
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Due to Amsyars chest, nose and coughing condition that wasnt improving, we decided to bring him to this specialist clinic that was recommended by many located in Klang. The doc was said to be a children specialist and treats small children since a friend of mine was still a child. Sampai clinic masa tu dh mmg tepat kul 9pm sb sesat jugalah. Pintu depan dh tutup,tp pintu tepi lum lg.Jd kita tny dulu.mana tau ada rezeqi amsyar mlm tu. Pujuk punya pujuk nurse dia bg daftar..dgn alasan 1st timers,sesat jalan which is the truth. Klinik pula time tu mashallah penuh..adalah kot 12 families still tggu dgn baby masing2. Semua bangsa ada, chinese, Melayu, India, Sikh..mmg 1Malaysia.huhu~ Nurse siap bgtau yg turn kitorg in estimation dlm 1hr gitu lg..lama tuh.tp ok jerla..drpd balik hampa,kn? Petanda baik tu bila klinik penuh mcm ni.tanda org suka and trust this clinic. Masuk bilik doctor, jumpa Dr Tan yg sgt lembut and soft spoken. Dia dh berusia, tp still tegap and segak. Timbang berat amsyar, doctor buat physical examination sambil tny history,simptoms etc etc. Tny pasal Iman, history mak ayah amsyar. Sebab kitorg mmg xde asthma in the family dia kata takyah worry sgt la..weather cond in Malaysia and kebersihan udara skrg adalah cause batuk ni.Hmm. Dia minta dtg lagi 3 4hari just for monitoring. Tp for today dia nak buat juga gas/nebulizer and sedut kahak sb amsyar dh susah nk bernafas and menyusu. Nurse yg bantu dgn neb, tp doc sendiri yg sedut.OK doc..Im ON with it. Alhamdulillah, i found a good childrens specialist/paeds yang boleh dipercayai and concern dgn patient. Sbenarnya parents bukan lah nk sgt doctor yg soft spoken bagai, tp we need docs who listens and concern dgn pesakit2. Parents biasalah worry level mstilah high.