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Hospital Bersalin Razif

Reviewer profile

Worse hospital, lots of medical error inside, useless rude staff, treating people and patience with raises, risking patients life and baby life. Lots of confusion internal problem, cashier rude with bad words and nurse too. Not a professional way. Cannot recommend this hospital for good hospitality.

Reviewer profile
Overall tiap kali dtg checkup doc semua baik2. Cuma mintak tolong nurse kat kaunter tu manis sikit muka. Dah 4 kali dtg checkup muka mencuka. Agak sombong. Bukan minta layan mcm permaisuri pun at least layan elok sikit. Org byr kot bkn hutang. Ada few nurse je yg baik, reti ckp elok2 n suka senyum. Servis mengalahkan hosp. Gov. Harap take note psl benda ni sbb bkn sy sorang saja yg alami benda ni everytime datang hospital razif. Thank u..