Dr. Lim Miin Kang


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Money driven experienced doc. Threaten patient with medical terms. Go for him if u r not urgent case. Take ur time to wait for ur turn.

Reviewer profile

a doctor with great knowledge and experience. highly recommend. very fast paced person but im happy with his style as this is how he manages to see many patients.

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Menurut Dr Lim, penyakit jantung kongenital boleh dikesan seawal 13 higga 15 minggu usia kandungan. Hari ini penyakit jantung kongenital boleh dikesan melalui imbasan ultrabunyi (ultra sound) dengan melihat kepada ketebalan leher bayi atau sebarang keganjilan pada denyutan jantung bayi itu sendiri. Penyakit ini adalah masalah yang berkaitan dengan pembentukan jantung bayi. Kongenital bermakna masalah jantung yang terjadi sebelum atau pada masa kelahiran.
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NHAM has also contributed to teaching and training in cardiology. Dr. Lim Miin Kang is a Member of the National Heart Association of Malaysia (NHAM). NHAM is also the history of the growth and development of cardiology as a specialty in the country.