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Dr. Kwan Kow

Reviewer profile
Took my Baby to Dr Kwan 3 times, 2 times was for jab. First time on Sat, Dr Kwan was not in but another lady doc. SHe was also quite good and took time to explain and even drew pics to explain why my Baby was vomiting milk quite frequently. Second and third time, for jabs, Dr Kwan was in. Must say that he is very good with Baby, gentle. Baby did not cry much during and after the jab, the mummy cry more actually. Charges are also very reasonable. 
Reviewer profile
Dr. Kwan charges is much more reasonable compare with Dr. Chua, RM 60 for consultation fees but medicine fees can be from RM10 RM20. When I bring my son for vaccination there, they only charge RM10 for paracetemol and vaccination RM105. I have checked before Dr. Chua on rotavirus and pneunococoal vaccination the price at Dr Chua clinic is higher by RM30 for each dose. With Dr Chua skill of handling bb, I doubt I will bring my bb for vaccination there. Dr. Kwan is a very experienced pead (almost 30 years plus) and usually if Dr. Kwan give vaccination my son dont even realised at all because he is fast and he know how to handle bb very well.