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Crystal Brides

Claim business

Crystal Brides has been a very well known bridal house for its artistic creativity in photography, gown designing and overall personality image design in Prai Butterworth.

Our extravagant bridal house design are very classic yet unique interior designing and the artistic feel of our photography studio definitely makes you feel special and having the best bridal house in town to have your most beautiful pictures taken and designed.

Service /Price Details

Crystal Brides provides Wedding Services, Specialist Wedding, Bridal House, Wedding Dinner Decoration, Wedding Event Planner, Bridal Gown, Make Up Hair Do, Wedding one stop station in Prai,Penang.


Reviewer profile
  • Quality
  • Friendly
  • Value of Money
  • Availability
All.staff is very nice n friendly . Customer Service is more professional than others shop to present their product and help me to get what I wan . The price is reasonable and cheap compare v others . Photographer is willing to catch many many sui sui photo for me and my dear . I love outdoor shooting ..I love natural . If can wait till sunset ..the sky cloud would be very colourful and beautiful.
Reviewer profile
  • Quality
  • Friendly
  • Value of Money
  • Availability
Satisfied with the service provide by crystal. The marketing staff very polite and helpful providing us all info we needed. Really great took our most precious wonderful memories here. Thanks to Crystal Brides