MakeUp Artist Amy Tan  business logo picture

MakeUp Artist Amy Tan

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Makeup is never meant to change your face. It is to enhance your beauty and accentuate your best features. Looking for makeup that make u look pretty but without overdo ur makeup.... Simple, natural n nice....we cater to ur makeup need right to ur doorsteps...

Service /Price Details

Service provided : -
* Bridal Makeup & Hair Styling

* ROM Makeup & Hair Styling

* Pre-Wedding Shooting Makeup & Hair Styling

* Personal Makeover & Hair styling

* Event/Function/Prom Night Makeup & Hair Styling

Reviewer profile
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Thanks to Amy for making me so confident on my wedding day! I am really happy with my make up for both morning and night session. My relatives praised her good work. The hairdo styles also looked good on me. She helped me to choose the right evening gown when I was in dilemma and she did a perfect choice! On a side note, Amy is also very good with photographing. I received some pretty great photos from her Amy, thanks for the good job and all the best!
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she is just so patience to make up for me, and a magician to turn me into natural bt pretty bride. she gave me a wonderful wedding look that impress all of my guests. morning and evening, 2 total different look that i never thought i can carry. thanks and again thanks!