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Korean Language House HQ

Claim business

Unique teaching method - DSS to allow every learner to learn and move at their own pace. We offer Korean, Mandarin and Thai courses. The syllabus teaches Grammar, Speaking, Reading, Writing, Listening and Translating, as well as prepare learners for international language proficiency test such as TOPIK(Korean), HSK(Mandarin), IGCSE(Mandarin) etc.

However, the main focus is still on speaking. Learners will get extra speaking practice sessions with the native speakers on weekly basis to build up their confidence in speaking. All language courses are HRD Corp Claimable Courses. We offer both online & physical classes(SS2 / Ampang / USJ 21 / Puchong / Sri Petaling / Klang / Melaka / JB / Port Dickson / Seremban) .

Reviewer profile
  • Quality
  • Friendly
  • Value of Money
  • Availability

I like the way of teaching, the friendly atmosphere and that the courses are affordable and I can choose most convenient time for me. The teacher is very kind, organised and the course is very well structured. I would like to study at this school again because teachers and other staff are very polite and they help a lot. I spent a great time at this school. Thank you.

Reviewer profile
  • Quality
  • Friendly
  • Value of Money
  • Availability

之前一直都是自学韩语的状态,断断续续学了很多年,可是因为没有系统化的训练,学习效率很低。加上没有老师的指导,很难找到正确的方向。只能这边学一点,那边学一点,越学越乱。最后还是报读了课程。在网上搜寻很多资讯和看了很多学习者的经验分享后,我选了KLH的Online DSS课程,以归零的心态重新学习。我比较喜欢时间自由,可以跟着自己能力的学习方式,这种不必固定时间对着电脑上课的方式更适合我。上课之后发现老师给的教材非常多样化,又很实用,确实令我有不少惊喜。我特别喜欢漫画翻译和韩剧听力练习,漫画让我有机会接触各种生活化韩语,韩剧听力练习则教会我很多词汇的发音。我的老师知道我的梦想是当翻译员,她每次检查我的翻译练习时,都特别仔细,挑出了不少毛病。韩国老师的口语课我也很喜欢,使到我说韩语的自信心提高不少!这次是我第一次考TOPIK,我的终极目标是TOPIK 六级和CATTI ,看到KLH很多学生都考到TOPIK 6,也如愿当上了翻译员,希望我也很快可以实现我的梦想!

今年在短时间内才开始学习韩语和备考TOPIK I,也顺利拿下2级啦!!!真心推荐KLH 给要学好口语,文法,翻译和所有想建立稳固的韩文基础的学习者。你若真心想学好韩文,来这里就对了!!!
